28-Day Fit Challenge
Direction for your Fitness Journey
Our team takes a mindful approach to look at work, sleep, and your entire ecosystem. We distill information into a personal roadmap with clear guides, and give you the tools and support to get there. Live the life you deserve, we’ll show you the way.
→ Live, Fast, Fun Yoga Tabata Workouts - 2x a week (recorded if you want more)
→ Custom daily doable workouts for you
→ Mighty Fit metrics to measure results
Direction for your Fitness Journey
Our team takes a mindful approach to look at work, sleep, and your entire ecosystem. We distill information into a personal roadmap with clear guides, and give you the tools and support to get there. Live the life you deserve, we’ll show you the way.
→ Live, Fast, Fun Yoga Tabata Workouts - 2x a week (recorded if you want more)
→ Custom daily doable workouts for you
→ Mighty Fit metrics to measure results
Direction for your Fitness Journey
Our team takes a mindful approach to look at work, sleep, and your entire ecosystem. We distill information into a personal roadmap with clear guides, and give you the tools and support to get there. Live the life you deserve, we’ll show you the way.
→ Live, Fast, Fun Yoga Tabata Workouts - 2x a week (recorded if you want more)
→ Custom daily doable workouts for you
→ Mighty Fit metrics to measure results