Posture Quiz


1.     The ideal position for my neck is:

a.     Chin tucked to make it double

b.     Chin stretched forward

c.     Head tilted back

d.     Head balanced centered on my shoulders


2.     What is the most mobile joint in your body?

a.     Hips

b.     Ankle

c.     Shoulder

d.     Wrists


3.     Which of the three shoulder bones doesn’t move/or barely moves?

a.     Clavicle

b.     Humerus/Arm Bone

c.     Elbow

d.     Scapula or Shoulder Blades


4.     What is the fight or flight muscle?

a.     Rhomboids

b.     Trapezius

c.     Serratus Anterior

d.     Pectorals Minor


5.     What are the movements of the scapular or shoulder blades?

a.     Elevate/depress

b.     Protract/Retract

c.     Upward rotation/downward rotation

d.     All of the above


6.     What is the anatomical position for my scapular or shoulder blades? What is home base?

a.     Shoulder blades retracted and drawn down

b.     Shoulder blades elevated

c.     Shoulder blades protracted

d.     Shoulder blades upward rotated


7.     When sitting and working for long periods at a desk, my humerus/upper arm bones are likely:

a.     Externally rotated

b.     Internally rotated


8.     It is common to see older people with:

a.     Good posture

b.     Shoulder blades retracted and down

c.     Externally rotated shoulders

d.     Collapsed chests/internally rotated shoulders.


9.     My pelvis is in a neutral position when:

a.     It is anteriorly tilted with my tail bone elevated

b.     It is neither anteriorly nor posteriorly tilted

c.     It is posteriorly tilted with my tail bone under

d.     It is hitched up to the left or the right


10.  To breath with my diaphragm, I will

a.     Inhale filling my lungs with air and exhale emptying my lungs

b.     Inhale deeply allowing my belly to fill and my ribs to expand and exhale drawing in my core muscles in

c.     Cough three times


11.   For good posture, I will stand on my feet by:

a.     Allowing my normal pronation or supination

b.     Keep my weight centered on my toes

c.     Keep my weight centered on my heels

d.     Stand evenly connecting two points on either side of my ball and my heel


12.  Good posture

a.     Allows for freer breathing

b.     Activates core muscles

c.     Is good for our health

d.     All of the above

 Send your answers to and Andrea will let you know how you did.



Performance Booster Series: Pre-Workout Myofascial Release


How to Improve Your Posture in Five Steps?