Everything to Your Comfort
Photo by Alexander Schimmeck on Unsplash.com
I first heard this phrase in a Tai Chi class. I study through Dr. Paul Lam’s Tai Chi Health Institute. “Everything to your comfort” is a standard recommendation by Dr. Lam and his master teachers. I had spent my life in dance classes, fitness classes, and yoga studios, and no one had ever suggested such a thing. It is more common to feel pushed to one’s limit, stretched to the max, and veering out of one’s comfort zone in many exercise circumstances.
As a personal trainer and yoga teacher, I embraced this phrase and brought it into my sessions. When we work out, we should never feel pain. We can exert to lift more volume of weight, go for speed, pump up our circulation, and stretch to a new limit, if it does not hurt.
Take the time to warm up before your exercise. Use gentle, dynamic movements to explore your range of motion and prepare your body for your workout.
Form is your friend. Doing each exercise properly will keep you safe as you get in shape.
Investing the time to get stronger will improve your performance in life, sports, and other activities.
Building your stamina will give you energy for everything you want to do.
Gaining flexibility will help you maintain your range of motion, ease your sleep, and make household tasks smoother.
Take the time to stretch after you exercise. After your workout, you can use static stretches to relax your muscles. Holding a stretch for 20–30 seconds allows the tissue to lengthen.
I’m often asked about noisy joints, such as when you move your neck. It turns out there is a scientific term for this: crepitus. That is one of those words that sounds exactly like what it is: the crunching, popping, clicking sound when we move certain joints. Noise is not a problem. Pain is. If you hear some crunches, maybe move more and see if the joint quiets down. Only stop moving if you feel pain.
A day or so after I work out, I may have some discomfort known as DOMS or delayed onset muscle soreness. I’m a fan of DOMS because it makes me feel like I’ve positively impacted my muscles. You are likely to experience more intense DOMS if you don’t warm up or stretch post-workout.
Good mechanics will serve your goal of doing everything to your comfort. Fitness is a journey, not a race. Take the time to enjoy the process. Use intervals of effort and rest to pace yourself. You can work out up to six days a week but take one day off. Allow seven or more hours of sleep each night to fuel your endeavors.
Be good to you—everything to your comfort.